
We Need Your Help

With the recent growth and attention we have received, HackerSoc has garnered a sizeable audience in the last year alone, including some participation from other college's societies in our newly held Capture The Flag (CTF) security event. Despite our unprecedented success, we have seen a disheartening decline in funding from the Students' Union, so much so, that we were unable to provide our members with the annually traditional HackerSoc hoodies and stickers.

Consequently we are asking for your help, since we do not wish for this year to go to waste due to a lack of financial support. It is imperative that we regain control of our society by being able to carry out our plans without any perplexities befuddling our minds. It is in our best interest to keep fighting for what we are in dire need of to ensure HackerSoc's long term survival.

Due to the formation of TU Dublin from 3 separate Institutes of Technology, our presence will rapidly expand throughout the university and we will need monetary aid in order to accommodate the vast proliferation of new members. With your support we can continue to do what we do best — teaching young and passionate hackers the necessary skills and ethics, as well as providing them with funded trips to relevant security events that will inspire them to pursue successful careers in cyber security.

How You Can Help

In an effort to achieve our goals and give back in every way we can, we have devised a scheme that we hope will attract your attention that you may consider becoming a sponsor. Please review our proposal and get in touch with us if you wish to help by partaking in the funding of our society.

Here is a copy of our sponsorship package Sponsorship Package Here


If you are wondering how we plan on spending the funding we receive, we have a checklist of items requiring financial contributions. These include:

  • Official stickers and hoodies with the HackerSoc logo.
  • Server for hosting the website and training platform.
  • High bandwidth server for hosting custom security challenges.
  • Electronic equipment (camera, microphone, speakers) for recording all of our talks.
  • Networking equipment for creating safe environments to practice penetration testing.
  • Hardware for our workshops, e.g. USB Rubber Ducky, Arduino, Wi-Fi antennas and more.
  • Lock-picking sets and training sets for teaching lock-picking.
  • Prizes for solving challenges and winning in events such as our annual CTF.
  • Tickets to conferences and competitions including BSides, HackInTheBox and DEFCON.
  • Food platters for our biweekly meet-ups in a popular local venue.
  • Halloween party, Christmas party and End of Year party.


Should you be in the area and available to provide HackerSoc with some industry-level training, we would greatly appreciate that. It will help our members to not only gain real world experience in the arts of cyber security, but also keep your company in the forefront of their minds. As they approach the end of their course, they will appreciate all the help you have given them, subconsciously placing you before other companies when applying for jobs.